
The aim of the workshop is to review the “state of the art” theories about generation and propagation of Solar radio burst and discuss the observational constrains and results that have been provided in this area by the WIND & STEREO missions during the last 20 years. Furthermore the STEREO & WIND observations will be put in the context of other missions such as RHESSI and ground based observatories. Finally, the preparation for the future explorations foreseen with Solar Orbiter and Solar Probe Plus will be discussed

The workshop is composed of five sessions :

1. Radio and X-ray diagnostic of the generation of high energetic electrons in the corona

2. Beam plasma interaction and generation of Langmuir waves in the IP medium : latest theories and observations

3. Radio waves generation, propagation and direction-finding : latest theories and observations

4. Dust observed by STEREO & WIND

5. Open session (including preparation for Solar Orbiter & Solar Probe Plus)

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